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Consider President Obama, Jack Ma, and Warren Buffett. They have something in common apart from wealth. Without this skill, you may seriously impact your growth. For your ongoing success learn to develop skills that allow you to communicate, negotiate and lead. With "executive presence" increase your happiness leading to your growth and increase in value.

Yes, they all use digital technology but to get that edge they speak with people by presenting live in front of them. In turn allowing them to communicate, negotiate and lead with great success.

Through “executive presence” equip yourself with tools and techniques that allow you to:

  • Establish rapport with individuals, teams, and audiences
  • How to appeal, influence and persuade different types of people
  • Learn techniques to reduce nervousness and fear

In addition, learn skills that allow you to:

  • Realise your strengths as a presenter
  • Get ready to handle questions with ease
  • Presenting with a BANG! BANG! BANG!

The session allows you to with great impact inform, influence and inspire people. Get ready for to enhance your image, convince, and be impressive by presenting with high personal impact.

Get Ready for IMPACT..."Speak Your Success through your EXECUTIVE PRESENCE"